MUBE is exhibiting at the VivaTech exhibition alongside hundreds of French and…

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MUBE special guest at the AMIF 2024 Exhibition

We have been selected to showcase our vegetated column at the Mayors of…

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MUBE will be present at SPRING 2024

We have been selected to present our solution and pitch our project at the…

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MUBE winner of Végépolys Valley !

Thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the winners!

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MUBE joins the Drahi-X

MUBE joins class 16 of the Ecole Polytechnique's X-up incubator. We're very…

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The partnership of TDF and mube, big winner at the Village Awards 2023!

We’re proud to have won the “Collaboration Impact” award,…

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Maddyness chose mube

Maddyness chose mube as one of the 10 StartUps that imagine (and realize)…

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mube joins the Crédit Agricole Group StartUp ecosystem

mube joins the Crédit Agricole Group StartUp ecosystem by joining Le Village by…

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mube “Quartiers Métropolitains d’Innovation”

Romain BOURDAIS and the entire mube team are happy to be the winners of the new…

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At the “Salon des Maires de France 2022” in Paris with the Minister Jean-Noêl Barrot

We were delighted to be able to show Jean-Noël Barrot our connected green…

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Our Green Telecom Pole at the 2022 French Mayors’ Show

Looking for greenery and broadband? Come and discover our urban green antenna…

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Mube’s visit to the Business France booth at the station F

Romain BOURDAIS at the Meet’up GreenTech at STATION F with Business France…

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mube and Minister Jean-Noêl Barrot at the GreenTech meeting at Station F

Romain BOURDAIS presenting the mube solution to Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister of…

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Which are the greenest cities?

Paris, despite its parks and planted avenues, is far behind its neighbors in…

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Facilitate the deployment of 5G… but not only!

mube is a solution of Green Telecom Masts, but also a multifunctional support…

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A bee in Provence?

No, downtown Paris, thanks to the green & connected column, MUBE reconciles…

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